[ Translate this page ] 壞友PoWKilLeR~玩殘這個部落格..~~
今天是週末,刚 回到家来~是怕赶 不上最后的一趟巴士(bus),所 以就在没有填飽肚子的情况下匆忙回来.
除了多了一层.. 只能用心眼去感觉的尘埃外,家中的一切丝毫沒有什么改变~矮発旁还是那一堆陈旧霉黃的, 过了时的报紙.発面上有一件上次离家时,脫下的有着些许汗酸,不曾摺叠,闲置着的淺蓝方格恤衫;按 了按圓形电风扇的掣,它便开始发出怨声在转呀转,搅动那室内的不属于自然的风.
还是很黃昏,户外的景物仍然依 稀可见.推开门穿过铁栅出去.去到屋前的小桥上, 放眼越过对面马路,在 三岔口左边的熟食店..,彼处灯火不明,心想是店主人今晚休业吧,自 己的身体似被碰撞后,很游魂的拆 返家里…
“衝动”好让我难捺,有一股衝动 无以名加,是”衝 动”让我再度开启大门,衝到铁栅处..想要出去想要出去想要出去..,想要陡步跑去五公里外,在拥车时,那曾习以厮磨每个凌晨,享 用每 回宵夜,与友朋东聊西扯,大话西遊的马来餐店处,强烈的很强烈的要重 温我的乐活~我那曾有过的乐 活!
铁栅~五里~凌晨~餐店~我 的乐活..,我非常清楚的知道,崩溃就在下一刻.飞快的启动 了音碟机,音碟发出乓乓磞蹦的噪声..,我张着口鼓着气,对住冷漠孤独的唛在依呀鬼叫,和着乓乓磞蹦的噪声~要极力忘缺肚肠 里的辘辘,极 力忘缺会痛楚的生 命,极力忘缺背叛着身躯的灵魂,极力的…
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这是保活特具个人风格的 原创空间,文字未经授权,谢绝转载,Some rights reserved for my creative work.
有 心捐助 壞友PoWKilLeR 充作创意基金的善翁仁士们,
可联系 Email:ranger.power7712@gmail.com or powkiller.com@gmail.com
The following is the English translation of machine Qi:
Today is the
In addition to more than one layer .. only with eye-to feel the dust, the home did nothing to change everything ~ dwarf Requested Procedure is that next to a pile of old yellow mold, and after a time the newspaper. Requested Procedure on the surface there is a time away from home, the take off of with some promise Khan acid, never folded leisure, home with a light blue shirt box; press the button by circular fans, it has started issuing grievances in turn ah turn, stirred That room does not belong to the natural wind.
Still very evening, the outdoor scenery is still faintly visible. Opened the door and through the iron bars out. go to the front of the bridge on the opposite side looking across the road, the left side of the deli at the Crossroads .. My head lights clear, heart The owner would like to be a sort of permanent bar this evening, his body seems to be after the collision, a very souls of the split back home ...
" impulse "hard to press down so that I have an impulse not to name Canada, is the" impulse "Let me re-open the door, rushed out to bars Office .. want .. want to go out want to go out, like Steep steps to go km away, in car ownership, it has been learning to Simo each morning, enjoy a snack every time, and his friends chat West pulled the East, lying West of the Malay restaurant in office, very strong a strong need to revisit my music live ~ I've had that music live!
Bars Wuli ~ ~ ~ I am ~ food restaurants live music .., I am very clear that, collapse in the next moment. Yindie very quickly activate the machine, Yindie spring issue of Bang Peng noise .., I drum with my sheets with gas, cold and lonely on the mark to live in accordance with ah spirit had torn, and the Bang Peng bounce noise ~ to forget the lack of strong stomach intestine in the Lulu , lack of strong will forget the pain of life, forget the lack of strong betray the soul of the body hindquarters, strongly of the ...