人类的脑袋里有2只鬼,1是情意,另1只是理 知.当您的理知扩张时,情意就会隐藏.又当 您的情意高度佈散时,您的理知就会去缩小.. 所以有人类会从100楼跃下,因为在他的情 意感觉上他是个会飞的,肯定是个会飞的会 飞飞飞..,,=_=,, Some rights reserved for my creative work. Although this article is free,if you think 壞友PoWKilLeR deserves a donation, just hit the e~mail above, Any amount will help..,THANKS !!! Sharing ♪♫ @powkiller壞友絕對原創 |
Gov’t will provide incentives for industry to use ECRL for cargo, move will
also reduce trucks OTR – Loke
The government will provide incentives to companies to encourage the use of
the East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) for cargo, when the mega rail project is
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